Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A (not that) Glorious Return

We landed in San Francisco on 10:48 Wednesday. Strangely enough, being back in America was a welcome relief for the much overused 'sore eyes'. But it was certainly a little unsettling being surrounded by a bunch of gui lao and having people shoot me funny looks when I said something about them in English--a bad habit I picked up from China. Since everyone there usually can only speak Chinese, I've gotten into a bad habit of making sarcastic remarks in English about things that justly deserve sarcastic remarks. The vast majority of it is non-insulting--it just looks like I'm talking to myself all the time!

Anyways, to cut a long message short (well, really to cut to the chase so I can start writing about the trip itself), I'll skip the intro, apology, foreword, etc. and cut to the chase so I can start writing about the trip itself. Due to numerous obstacles in China, such as time constraints, lack of internet, and Blogger being kind of blocked, many my experiences have yet to be shared. So, like my postcards (yep, I'm the kind of person who buys out of country postcards and then mails them when they get back--or just looks at them pensively--or forgets them entirely), I will now begin talking about the trip. 

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