Friday, May 18, 2012

Ramblings II: The Dead (are dead again, but are now resurrected--or is that re-resurected, or perhaps...)

Ramblings II: The not-quite-so-Dead-but-still-rather-spacey

   It has been about two days since school has got out, and I am slowly drinking in the fresh blood that will restore me to my former glory.
   You may be wondering-- hey, what's with all this morbid imagery portraying yours truly as a cadaver? The answer mostly lies in the fact that it's a motif I find that I am rather fond of*, and in all sincerity, while this 'resurrection' is not nearly as vivid as my winter break, the beginning of Summer vacation makes me feel like the sun has just set and it's feeding time**. 
   Instead of launching into a full blown account of my emergence from a first year at the DA, I feel like a brief overview would be more in order (as I slowly regain strength through the lifeblood of you fool mortals)...uh, that is, because the subject of DA and Summer break are exceedingly complex.

   So far, the first year was a fairly good affair. My brother is finally taller than me***, I started liking math, and recently, both of us have been (trying) to learn guitar. It's a hopeful endeavor--after only a week, I've gone from sounding like a dying chicken to sounding like a sick cat, so progress is inevitable-- and we're both enjoying the instrument immensely****. Also, in 10 or so days, my mother and I will be heading to China for 6 weeks, which is very exciting! I'm looking forward to seeing the mountains again, my family, and the food, which is possibly one of the best things on this whole planet. I'll miss Ian and Dad-- don't know what they'll be doing without us! Ramen is good, but not for 6 weeks straight-- and I know that this trip will bring out never-before-seen sides in the four of us. I'll try to keep things posted as the our stay in Guangzhou continues, with lots of pictures and bloggy posts. :)

Best to everyone, as you all head out on your intrepid boats to the wonderful land of Summerland*****! This is Quiet Girl, off to go eat some more watermelon! dusk falls, you hear the flitter of bat wings...a ghostly wind....and then slowly, inexorably, the long drawn out creak of a coffin, opening.....

*:P This is where you call the psychologist
**Yes, I've ceased to be a corpse in favor of being a vampire. The effects of public school upon one's mental health!!! Actually, this might just be because we watched a really dumb Dracula-Frankenstein mashup on the last day of school, and being (one of) the only horror movie(s) I've ever watched (for a long long time), I'm kinda morbidly fixated upon vampires now. No, really. I can't stand horror movies, and now vampires haunt my sleep. 
***NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! He only has 2 inches, though. When I wear higheels, I can still fantasize about my former glory. 
****Many thanks to Nix, who is kindly lending me an old guitar of hers over the summer.
*****...I have no idea where all that stuff about intrepid boats came from. Sorry :P

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