Monday, August 8, 2011

Whaa? Is

Facebook Sucks: A study in fitting in

My life reads like some alien girl's attempt to fit in to normal human society. What is this weird thing you call Twitter? And like I've blogged before, what's the big deal with skinny jeans? Throughout the eternal pull to feel normal and to act thusly, there's always that nagging feeling at the back of my mind, that little voice that asks me, 'does this actually make any sense'? And the crux in my ongoing argument that something must be wrong with my head, is that yes, I agree with the voice, most of the time it doesn't, and I just can't make myself understand.

I signed up two days ago for a Facebook account*. Facebook has really been a source of mystery to me, it's this thing that some people use more than, and even in lieu of an email, it's something that almost everyone is always talking about, and, as always, it was something that your average teen had. So after getting the long-coveted Facebook account, I thought it would expand my world into new horizons. A whole new mode of communication! Could you imagine the possibilities? This was something I needed, desperately.

Shh, if you listen closely, you can hear advertisers laughing.

It's funny, but the more I looked at Facebook, the more I became confused. It was basically like texting, except anyone could read it, like blogging, except you only used about two sentences, essentially, like the rest of the things I already had, except worse. It did have the advantage of me being able to post random things,

It is possible to get addicted to water.

(anyways) without typing up a few paragraphs, but then again, it would be hard to post "Facebook sucks" on Facebook without backing up my claim with two or three paragraphs. And even then, I would get stoned.

Plus, you'd never know this, but I work hard to come up with random things. They deserve a blog post of their own.

I got a Facebook to communicate with my friends, but as I looked around, I wondered how it was possible to have 415 'friends' that constantly contact you with other random nonsense, and still remain friends. ). Then I realized that Facebook, in addition to helping me connect with people I really wanted to connect with, it also helped me connect with people I really wanted to avoid connecting with.

The disadvantages way outweighed the advantages of quick communication, and honestly, I didn't want to become that approachable. It's part of being epic, you see, being hard to communicate with (note: you should still be able to carry on a coherent conversation, if you want to, though.) -- just kidding. Yet I'm still hanging on to my Facebook (this is the third day), out of some mistaken loyalty to the human race, perhaps. There's a kind of sadness, when you're weird, and when you're weird and hungry/tired, it often translates into misguided attempts to fit in (haha). More than once I've wished to be normal (but not too normal), and perhaps that's why I still haven't deleted the Facebook account.

Ah well, let's face it, I just don't understand Facebook. I don't understand why people want to be friends with people they hardly know, or, in the case of people they do know, why they'd want to publicize their conversations for everyone to read. And of course, there's sadness that I don't understand, but if it doesn't make sense to me, rationally, I don't see any way to somehow irrationalize my thinking process and keep the Facebook.

Forgive me, I've rambled, but here's to my short Facebook career, and an apology to all my friends who didn't get to connect with me on it.

*pregnant silence*

Gee whiz, how hard is it to delete this thing?

This is Quiet girl, going online, to find instructions, to figure out how to delete the bleeping account.

-Shhh.....this is harder than it looks.

* With permission from mom, my dear brother. Just saying.


  1. o man.. and I TOTALLY wanted to, like, freind you!!! OMG!
    (above is my attempt to talk like a 'normal' teenage girl online. Sorry if you wondered if my brain had been replaced with non-sentient mush)
    All joking aside, I find that what goes on Facebook is generally pretty silly. The quizzes, the statuses, etc.
    I use it to connect with cousins and family... as well as friends that live in other countries or go to public school. I'm probably one of the few that use it for its intended purpose. I don't blame you for taking your account down!

  2. (No problem, although I started to get chills up my spine as I wondered how badly you had been infected by the teenage-girl-itis)

    It's great that you use Facebook as tool for networking, and thanks for sharing a different perspective on it's uses!
