Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Freak-out I

What is This Strange Thing You Call School?

I admit it, I am scared. I mean, it's not really the academics that I worry about, its functioning in a building full of people I don't know with these foreign elements called lockers. Say what?

Homeschooling is simple. You study what you have to study, you eat when there's food on the table, if you get up late, you stay up late, if you get hungry, you grab a snack, and you don't have to ask anyone permission to use the restroom (not like their personal opinion on that matter is going to stop you or not, now that you think about it).

But what goes on within the walls of that mysterious institution? What's the whole deal with a bus? How are classes organized? Does anyone (like that Calvin and Hobbes cartoon) tell you when it's time for lunch? How do you find your way around this place without a GPS, a map, and a compass (and a mirror, for signaling SOS)? And quietly, very quietly, I wonder about the jerks.

Top ten tips for surviving in High School, anyone?

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