Monday, July 25, 2011

Epicness I

Epicness I

Thanks to Khan Academy,

I. Just. Learned. Logarithms. In. Under. Five. Minutes.

My mind is still recovering from the pure wow factor. I found logarithms as something I needed to learn for HS chemistry, and started freaking out. Logarithms? Wha? Luckily, Khan Academy had a video, and after watching to 4:36, I was like, I know Kung-Fu.

Of course, Logarithms aren't the most complicated concept in the world, but then again, with Khan Academy I learned Algebra I in, oh, around 2 months? And I'm not even the sharpest knife in the drawer (math wise. Actually, looking at my track record, I must be impaired in that side of my brain that takes care of all things mathy).

Power! Prestige! Hahaha! The world is within my grasp! If only Khan Academy had a video for world domination...

But seriously, guys, Khan is a genius.

I mean, if anyone can teach me algebra, they're a genius.

And if they can make it fun, wow, they deserve like, a nobel prize or something.

Algebra is fun.


  1. I LOVE Khan Academy. Using their videos for calculus completely opened up my brain... and their biology videos aren't too shabby, either. ALL HAIL KHAN ACADEMY!!

  2. Woah! you use Khan too? HE IS THE BEST! (enter fan gush about Khan) Seriously, everyone, check out Khan Academy! I LOVE that guy!

  3. I did Khan once, but I didn't actually keep watching the videos . . . it's been a couple of months.
