Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Day Back Fencing!

Yesterday was the first day I fenced in over a year. The plan (hopefully) is to give a month to settle in before school starts, and then compete compete compete and hopefully make it to the summer nationals. One major hitchup- the competitive foil program here is, according to the coach, not that strong (2 competitors. . . both men in like veteran 50), so there's a possibility I might have to look into switching weapons.

For the last year, the only muscle I've exercised was my brain. Walk, I can do that. Move a mouse, yep. Type up a paper, a-ok. Heck, I can even doggy paddle 5 feet or run (aka shuffle-jog) about 20. So coming back into fencing was a bit of a shock. To begin with, the 'warm-up' we were subjected to left me out of breath and trembling all over* then, after a 5 minute break for water and the like, we began. . . that's right, push-ups. Now my brother often jokes that I can't do one full push up (I can't), so you can imagine how that was like. Needless to say, by the end of the day I had the beginnings of blisters on my  feet and weapon hand, my legs were aching like crazy and I could barely take a breath. Today, I kinda can't really move. . . but I feel better than ever! Never knew just how good it was to get back into fencing. Now, after 1+ years without a foil in my hand, coming back feels like I'm connecting with a missing part of myself!

Next lesson is tomorrow--hopefully I will have recovered by then!

-Quiet Girl

* run forwards and backwards, 2 laps.
run 3 steps and jump, 2 laps
skip and throw hands in the air (yeah it sounds silly--but it isn't) 2 laps
hop on left foot 2 laps
hop on right foot 2 laps
grapevine 2 laps
.. . and it goes on and on. . . 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

More Shiny Happy Fun Summer Stuff

In addition to flipping pancakes (like, literally flipping them) and making a new soda, I also created a statue of the imortal donut man. . . and got epically trolled in the process (by Ian--who else?) but that photo will have to wait until he gets back and unlocks his phone:

Me polishing off the last of the watermelon juice
Adding more orange juice. . . Ok, the soda was more like a  bunch of fruit juice added to perrier, but it was still pretty cool

Thoughtfully considering what else could go into the soda...

Caught a bug--for the first time
   Actually, catching a bug (not smashing it to smithereens or frying it to a crisp--my usual procedure, sorry to say) was on my list of stuff to do. The slightly over the top k-pop pose, though, was my Father's idea.

Made my own pancakes this morning
    . . . And actually flipped them, like in the air. Without utensils. Using the pan. It was pretty awesome.