Monday, March 19, 2012

Ramblings 1: The Dead (not James Joyce)

Ramblings 1:
...I have been dead for a very, very long time.


...No, not really, but for all practical purposes, I have been dead.
Firstly, I'd like to extend a belated apology to all my long distance friends and anyone who reads this blog (..."hello? anyone...out there?... Anyone?...Anyone?") for being such a bad communicator and not keeping up with the overworld (as we the dead term the world of the living). No excuses, as cliche as this sounds, can really justify such a long silence, and I really am sorry for being an irresponsible correspondent. From my heart, with love, my sincerest apologies.
Secondly, a quick update. I'm not quite sure how to quickly update anything, and a lot has happened since moving to Reno. I don't know if anyone's interested in the daily grind of school*, or angsty teenage bemoanings, and also-- I'm not really sure what to talk about. I suppose I should tell you I'm happy (the dead usually are), well fed (though Mom's going nuts about healthy food), alive (not. No, just kidding), that I've taken up yoga (ommmm....Namaste. That's all I know**), reunited with Piano at UNR***, started liking Geometry (see, this is how you can tell that I'm really dead, b/c I would only start liking math over my dead body!!!), and haven't grown one inch. Much to my disappointment****.
I'll work on quietly catching things up to speed, rambling ever on and on about general. But before I ramble on even more and blow this up into a novel about the woes of teenager hood (jk), This is Quiet Girl, back from the dead!


Even the dead need their beauty sleep.

*Or if I'm allowed to talk about the daily grind of school. DA is...well, one of the most paranoid buildings on campus. Just kidding. It is pretty paranoid, but it shouldn't be an issue.
**no, not really. But more on yoga later.
***My wonderful piano teacher, Dr. W has completely transformed piano as I know it.
****Even MORE to my disappointment, Ian HAS grown one inch. And another. And ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER. He is now two inches taller than me. :P Ah, so it goes.

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